Home Laboratory guide

This is my home laboratory network. This guide is for starters who needs some idea on how to start their laboratory.

I have two machines, (Heimdall and Fenrir). Both of them are running on Windows 7 and has Vmware Workstation 9 on it.

If you can notice, Heimdall connects to the internet via wireless on our home router ( This happened because the wireless router is placed on another room.

Fenrir is a desktop and has no wireless network. A gigabit switch connects both Heimdall and Fenrir.

I have deployed a Virtual Router (FreeSCO) that provides routes from (our home network) and (laboratory network). Used this configuration to test FreeSCO and to provide the internet connection to my laboratory.

Virtual machines will be on 192.168.1.x /24 network and will use as their gateway.

Nyxtech LAB Network Diagram

Heimdall is my ROG machine and Fenrir is the esxi whitebox. I have removed ESXI for now and will do a nested esxi later.

Here are the specs for both machines:


Future plans is to get a NAS and eventually another machine.

More to come,