Raspberry Pi and Citrix

Out of curiosity I have tried doing the Raspberry Pi and Citrix. There are a lot of guide out there on how to achieve this.

Just to start, you need to use Debian Wheezy.




Since you can only install the Citrix Receiver on this Operating System.

Below is the network diagram of my Lab. By the way, I have used Citrix Xen App 6.5 for this.

Raspberry Citrix POC

Here are the results:

2012-12-02 15.07.44

Here is my “Raspberry Pi” setup. I have installed Ice Weasel and Citrix Receiver on a Debian Wheezy.

2012-12-02 15.10.28

Tried to connect it to a test Citrix Web Interface which I was working on for the past couple of days.

2012-12-02 15.11.18

Launching Microsoft Office 2010

2012-12-02 15.11.48

It worked!

2012-12-02 15.36.42

As far as I have tried it, the entire experience is kinda slow for an average user. Still looking into how to adjust the performance for this to a more acceptable speed.
